Sometimes those that need help the most can afford it the least.
As well as offering support to community groups and charitable organisations, therapist, tutor and well-being adviser Kellie Gilmour has put together 'Helping Hands'.
Helping Hands is a scheme in which anyone can offer financial contribution toward appointments, tuition or workshop placements to individuals that need the support that Kellie can offer. For any amount given, Kellie will match the value herself to double the appointments/placements available for people in need of clinical treatments, meditative methods tuition or well-being guidance.
Clinical treatments - including hospice or hospital visits - offer the chance for (sometimes much needed) respite, rest and deep relaxation as well as the opportunity to examine one's physical, mental and emotional state of well-being.
Meditation tuition offers an evidence-based, scientifically proven valuable tool in the caretaking of one's physical health as well as proven to be equally as effective as prescription medication in cases of stress, anxiety and depression. Learning meditative techniques also puts the welfare of the recipients health into their own hands, empowering andproviding skills to maintain well-being for life, with benefits that can be shared amongst friends and family too.
You can contribute to Helping Hands by donating anonymously or you can write a note in a Helping Hands card to be given to the future recipient of the appointment.