
I've come to notice over the years that people take more interest in the care of their cars than they do their own health, often never addressing their physical or mental wellbeing until something breaks or 'goes wrong'. 

Wellbeing is not just the absence of illness, it is something that needs nurturing, cultivation and ongoing maintenance: 

"Wellbeing is a positive state of mind and

It enables and supports good relationships, improved resilience, improved health, meaning, purpose and control.

It is predictive of improved healthy life expectancy, quality of life and life satisfaction,and is inextricably linked with physical health and living with, and recovering from, both physical and mental illnesses."

Department of Health


How I can help you:

Therapeutic treatments

An integrated approach of authentic, traditional complementary therapy with evidence-based, scientifically proven techniques to gently guide the body and mind into a rediscovery of deep relaxation, stimulating the body's own natural healing responses. 

Workshops & courses

Courses, classes and workshops on wellbeing enhancing techniques for groups, one-to-one sessions and for larger organisations such as universities, schools or businesses; locally, nationally or internationally, in-house, at selected locations, or online.  

Private tuition

The convenience of learning wellbeing enhancing techniques at your own time and pace, in privacy and full confidentiality.  Learn how to effectively manage stress, encourage resilience, cultivate self-confidence, inspire creativity, enhance relationships, gain relief from physical ailments, instil a healthier mindset, establish a happier outlook, boost immunity, maintain natural pain management and help toovercome addictions with one-to-one support. 

Wellbeing MOT & Coaching

Explorative and empowering conversations looking at many aspects of physical, mental and environmental wellbeing to facilitate changes toward gaining and maintaining greater quality of life.  A non-judgemental, confidential and safe space to 'unpack' and look at personal needs, identify and set goals to be achieved and help to find further support if needed.

Sleep Mentoring

Sleep is the foundation that underpins all aspects of our health and wellbeing.  Sleep Mentoring empowers individuals or groups into gaining and maintaining a healthier relationship with sleep with gentle guidance through explorative conversations, deeply relaxing therapeutic treatments, training in relaxation techniques and carefully considered personalised plans and sleep toolkits for maintenance at home.